The environment was green all around, but the only thing I was not really used to wasn't the green environment, but the isolation of the college. There was College Town where there was a couple of food shops, the mall, and the commons where it was like downtown. To get to some of these places I had to ride a bus. I definitely was not used to their being so less I guess you could say, but it did let me get closer to peers. I spent most of my time on campus with friends and if I left to go somewhere I would leave with friends. At first I did not like the feel of isolation, but it kind of brought everyone together. I still though did not like the fact of lack of food places and quality of food places. Maybe since where I am from I am constantly surrounded by food or I am just a food lover, but Ithaca lacked the food experience.
It was really fun to go and explore with my friends all around campus and more. I really liked how I got a glimpse of how college life really is like balancing fun with study. Yet, still making it back before curfew which was a downer sometimes. I loved the small community of this college and always felt to me that there was always a new adventure to take place in.
Ithaca's weather was an interesting thing. It was always hot and I actually personally like hot weather, but Ithaca was something else. I personally like the sunshine and heat that comes with it, but Ithaca comes with humidity. I have experienced humidity going to Nicaragua, but Ithaca was always humid even when raining. Actually it would get even worse if it rained. I can recall only one day that was moderate weather and not humid. I think what killed me though was the lack of air conditioning at the dorms, a fan is nice but can only do so much.
As for the people at Cornell I experienced an East Coast culture shock. Summer college honestly lacked diversity. Maybe because I come from such a diverse high school, but Cornell was filled with international students from China, White people, a few Hispanics and a little sprinkle of other races. I am used to a big jumble of diversity which was weird not to see there as I assumed was a normal thing. The wealth gaps were definitely noticeable especially with clothing. They would wear a brand called vineyard vines (some whale on a shirt) and I would wear true religion. They dressed in Vineyard Vines, cargos and moccasins or how they like to call them Sperrys. The language was completely different. They barely used slang and if they did it was either very old to me or just sounded weird. I realized Bay Area people just love to make up slang as I realized words that are commonly used here are non existent in the East Coast. Also apparently I have a Californian accent. I do not really know what that means, but I am assuming because I use "hella" a lot.
As for the class Inspiring Leadership, I absolutely loved it. I learned so much about myself that is really going to push me in the future. The class ultimately made me acknowledge who I was. It's a hard subject to explain, but it has to do with what a person's values are. I learned a lot about leadership. There are a lot of misconceptions about leaders about how they should be the loudest in the room or the ones who solely make the decisions where in reality it's the opposite. Leaders are supposed to be the best listeners and must understand that sometimes one must become a follower. A leader must understand to acknowledge other's ideas and suggestions instead of only having your mindset. The list goes on in things I learned, but it helped be become a better person and a future leader. I have a lot to learn, but now I know I am on the right path.
Cornell opened my eyes to a whole new way of life. I met people from around the world with different backgrounds and different perspectives. I learned so much in such little time, I still cannot believe I am back home. I am happy I met all the people I did and was able to form a family bond with everyone that only being there could one understand. Cornell really showed me a lot of new things. All the differences made me grateful for where I come from. Even if I do not come from the best school or best neighborhood I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I am who I am and that will never change. Until next time, Cornell, maybe instead of being my temporary summer home you become my actual home for next year. The future awaits!!!